Una de las artistas australianas más reveladoras de los últimos años regresa a Perú para presentarnos «Tell Me How You Really Feel» su más reciente trabajo, reconocido como uno de los mejores discos del 2018. Faltan muy pocos días para disfrutar de su concierto, que será el 28 de febrero y aquí te dejamos las posibles canciones que disfrutaremos junto a ella.
«…Empty bottle blues/ Sleep in different rooms/ Hardly a maverick, lesser than average…» – Hopefulessness
…»The city takes pity on your injured soul/ N heavenly prose ain’t enough good to fill that hole/ Everyone’s soaked in animosity…» – City looks pretty
«…I wanna grow tomatoes on the front steps/ Sunflowers, bean sprouts, sweet corn and radishes/ I feel proactive, I pull out weeds/ All of a sudden… » – Avant Gardener
«…What’d you think of the ultimate ending?/ I fast forward, get busy pretending that, well I’ve seen everything/ Can I get you anything? A soda? Campari? With lemon? Well, you got it – Small talk
«…I need a little time out/ I need a little time out/ From me (me, me, me)/ And you (ooh)/ You (ooh)…» – Need a little time
«…I wanna walk through the park in the dark/ Men are scared that women will laugh at them/ I wanna walk through the park in the dark/ Women are scared that men will kill them/ I hold my keys/ Between my fingers…» – Nameless, Faceless
«…I get most self-defensive/ When I know I’m wrong/ Think we all can agree/ I try my best to be patient/ But I can only put up with so much…shit…» – I’m Not Your Mother, I’m Not Your Bitch
«…Oh! The calamity, I wanna go to sleep for an eternity/ Who am I to deny myself a pawn?/ Oh! The humanity I wanna disappear into obscurity/ But I’m sure it’s a bore being you…» – Small Poppies
«…Don’t jump little boy, don’t jump off that roof/ You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, you’re still in your youth/ I’d give anything to have skin like you…»
«…It’s got a lovely garden, a garage for two cars to park in/ Or a lot of room for storage if you’ve just got one/ And it’s going pretty cheap you say, well, it’s a deceased estate/ Aren’t the pressed metal ceilings great?…» – Depreston
¿Ya estás listo para este concierto que nos trae Courtney Barnett? ¿Cuáles son tus canciones favoritas y cuál te gustaría escuchar en este concierto? Déjalo en los comentarios.